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Choose the AED that's right for you

FeatureHeartSine SAM 350PHeartSine Connected SAM 350PHeartSine SAM 360PHeartSine Connected SAM 360PHeartSine SAM 450P with CPR Rate AdvisorHeartSine Connected SAM 450P with CPR Rate Advisor
ICG-based real-time feedback on CPR rate*xx
CPR coaching with metronomexxxxxx
Integrated Wi-Fi connectivity xxx
Includes LIFELINKcentral AED program manager xxx
Fully automatic shock deliveryxx
Semi-automatic shock deliveryxxxx
High level of protection from dust and water ingress (IP56)xxxxxx
Integrated battery and electrode for one-change maintenancexxxxxx
4-year electrode and battery lifexxxxxx
Low energy escalating protocol (SCOPE)xxxxxx
Operating impedance range of 20 – 230 ohmsxxxxxx
Audible and visual metronome for CPR rate guidancexxxxxx
Compact, portable, and lightweightx
2.4 lb
2.83 lb
2.4 lb
2.83 lb
2.4 lb
2.83 lb
Pediatric compatiblexxxxx*x*
90-minute ECG recording timexxxxxx
Automatic self-testxxxxxx
Field upgradeable softwarexxxxxx
Carry case includedxxxxxx
Prescription not required x**x**
* If a Pediatric-Pak is used, the CPR Rate Advisor function is disabled
** With its simplified instructions and self-training videos, HeartSine samaritan PAD 350P can be purchased over-the-counter without a prescription, unlike most other AEDs
Brief summary of indications and important safety information